OnSite Environmental Inc. (OnSite), is a full service environmental laboratory
that has been providing analytical testing services since 1992. We specialize
in the chemical analyses of soil, sediment, water, air, and hazardous waste samples.
OnSite provides analytical testing and consultation services to industry, engineering consultants, and government agencies in support of monitoring programs, site assessments, remedial investigations, and contamination characterization. OnSite’s staff of qualified chemists, technicians, and support personnel are well versed in the field of environmental analytical chemistry and are experienced in environmental and hazardous waste analyses using EPA and state-defined analytical protocols.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us anytime. OnSite’s hours of operation are: Monday-Friday from 8AM to 6PM, and Saturday from 8AM to 12PM. Our professional staff can be available for sample delivery or analysis outside of normal operating hours, if required for a specific project. Please contact your project manager.
OnSite Environmental, Inc.
14648 NE 95th Street Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: (425) 883-3881 | Fax: (425) 885-4603
e-mail us: Karl Hornyik – Laboratory Director | David Baumeister – Vice President | Blair Goodrow – Marketing Director